Fantasy Wearables

As a part of a recent exercise we dreamed up some future technologies that we would be excited to see move into our lives. Feel free to follow along and post things that you have come up with.

Step 0. 

Check out some places on the internet for inspiration 
This is by no means a complete list. Go out and find some cool projects!

Step 1. 

List out five to ten wearable technologies that you think may exist in the future.

Our team come up with some fun ideas including a helmet to augment vision to see 360 degrees, mechanics gloves with lights incorporated, and a supplemental prosthetic arm (not unlike zaphod beeblebrox).

Step 2. 

Create a quick mock up of one of the ideas. Spend no more than 10 minutes and use only materials handily available around your house.

We decided to mock up our idea for a wearable lie detector which monitors heart rate, blood, pressure, perspiration, and sound. When it hears sounds it takes measurements from the wearer and compares against a compounded baseline. If the wearer is lying it will light a brilliantly visible LED. 

Working with the simple materials we had readily available, we drew upon our early days in arts and crafts and used a sheet of felt and some alligator clips.

Step 3. 

Give some thought to the technologies that exist currently that could be used to make this technology real and target audience for the device.

But why would anyone wear a lie detector tie that blinked an LED when they were being dishonest? Maybe the future will be full of very noble humans all willingly indicating their emotions and intentions outwardly to create a more honest society. But that is probably far fetched for now.  We more realistically imagine this being worn as a performance art piece, or (given the current political atmosphere) at forums of public debate.

Step 4. 

Take a picture!


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